I apologize for not updating recently. I have been moving things from one state to another, and then forwarding boxes to another address. Well, I finally have a permanent address. A permanent Manhattan address. 10023 to be exact. While I keep this blog about design, I have another blog that I update frequently with my adventures while living in the City again.
Before leaving Missouri, I packed most of my life in boxes labeled "for NY" or "for HOME." Most everything that was to go home found a nice little resting place in a climate controlled storage room about 7 or 8 miles from my parents house.
When I got to New York I arrived at a friends house, slept on the floor, then upgraded to a twin air mattress while I searched for the perfect apartment. Once I found my new home in the Upper West Side I walked 13 blocks to Bed, Bath & Beyond to purchase a full size, pillow-top air mattress (I know it was a big step)!!! Three weeks after living out of UPS boxes, a suitcase, and an empty apartment, I made the upgrade. I bought a real mattress. I also purchased a bed frame, but like half of the furniture I wanted, it is on backorder until September sometime, which in delivery terms means I might get it around October. Surprisingly, I am able to fit a lot in my little apartment in the sky.
I found this desk and bookcase at Crate and Barrel. My wonderful 27'' LCD Cinema screen for my computer is still in Arkansas, but when it arrives, it will have a place to live. Check it out.

I only have room for two pieces (this picture displays all three). The bookcase has arrived and I put it together easily, but the desk, like my bed frame, is backordered until September sometime. But when it arrives to New York, I can finally have my big computer screen shipped up. Aren't the lines great?
Living in a small apartment there is not much room for a lot, but according to designers on HGTV, the more vertical furniture that breathes in a small space, the larger the room will appear. So true. My apartment is taking shape and beginning to feel like home.
My design radar has been focused on furniture lately.
When all the pieces finally come together, I'll fill you in, but until then, you'll have to deal with photos from Crate & Barrel.