No, I'm not anticipating the articles of how to become more manly, or anything of the sort -- I am excited because Esquire is releasing the first-ever Mix-'N'-Match magazine cover.

Justin Timberlake. Barak Obama. George Clooney. What do the three have in common?
Honestly, I have no clue -- an ex-boy-bander and Mickey Mouse club member, the first African American President of the United States, and repeatedly one of America's sexiest men? Seriously? Well mix-and-match one of 27 different "manly" cover's and I'm sure we can all find something they have in common. In case your wondering how this phenomenon is going to work, check out the directions... compliments of
How to Use Esquire's May 2009 Cover (video tutorial)
1. Tear top two pages at the perforations. If at bookstore or newsstand, please pay first.
2. Using the twenty-seven possible combinations, create your own composite American man. Reflect.
3. Promise never to defile our magazine (unless otherwise instructed) again.
Note: You don't have to tear the cover apart if your imagination is particularly vivid.
With everything that has happened in the print industry over the past several months, excitement and originality are hard to come by but leave it to Esquire to make a stir - not that anyone would have ever question them.
Playing it safe is boring. Playing it safe month after month is really boring. Playing it safe month after month in this economic state is going to produce more negativity towards print publications and increase the potential for magazines to cease existence altogether. Whereas, I do not think the above comment will ever be true, playing it safe and sticking to the same content isn't exactly going to boost sales -- or at least that is what I learned while earning a business minor.
Not only is it my style or personality, but I've always been one to push the envelope as far as possible. Maybe it's the "youngest child syndrome," or the stubbornness mixed with persistence that I learned from playing sports all my life. Regardless, it's just another reason Esquire has always been on my inspiration list. From design and 'dare-devil' mentality, to first person storytelling and humorous, unique content, Esquire appeals to the masses, whether an avid reader or not, this magazine will always spark conversation.
I am more excited to pick up Esquire's May 2009 issue than I am to graduate. OK, maybe not that excited, but leave it to Esquire to push the envelope even more. The main reason I enjoy reading and looking at Esquire is because they are not afraid to take risks. As the Obama issue in the beginning of the year set a new precedent for an interactive connection with magazines without including a "www" affiliation -- this probably isn't going to be the last Mix 'N' Match we see.
Idea for graduation gift --> All magazine subscriptions forwarded to a New York address
I LOVE ESQUIRE!!! That cover is so great! I love how innovative and fun they are with covers. They really do start new trends and find ways to do things that are simple concepts but are things no one else does. I love it.