I'm not Irish and I'm not Catholic... but a day devoted to GREEN is a holiday I will not leave off my calendar. Yesterday I woke up and threw on a t-shirt, and yes it was green, as is my computer, ipod, backpack and cereal bowls. Don't judge -- green just happens to be my favorite color, and might I add, my minor obsession with green began far before the "green movement" became the season's hottest trend.

The sun was out, the weather was nice, spring has hopefully come to stay, but before I hold my breath for that dream, look how St.Patty can be translated in typography. Typographer.com posted a special deal from Porchez Typofonderie. Instead of spending endless dollars on coveted type families that I, as a college student can merely dream about, an alternative might be my dream come true.
Single weights of selected fonts are now being offered -- seriously, compared to a whole family for $247, I would gladly pay $22.47 for a Central European character set -- regular, alt caps preferred. If you've got leprechaun's cruising down your creative highway, then Kelly Pro could be just the font face for you.
Since every other industry seems to be diving into sales or low price promotions, it's about time the design world tap in. Kelly Pro might be used as often as you find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, but the idea to sell individual character sets opposed to entire font families is appealing. Ahhhh, it must be da luck of dee irish!
For the past week I have not touched my logos. I have wanted to but I haven't. When I design things the first time, it's like a formality, I merely do it to get it over with to get on to my next idea. Last week I posted a few of the logos I have done for the mindfulness project, Eat for Life. Yes, that's right, the program is eat for life, not food for life as I suggested in each logo design I created. Where was my head? I know I don't do my best work during late hours of the night --- or in my perception early hours of the morning --- but somewhere between brainstorming, mind-mapping, sketching, discussing and executing, I changed food for life into eat for life. A problem that is easily fixable (which is taking place in my redesign) never caught my attention until two classmates mentioned it. Clearly I hid the flaw well, since my blog post contained samples of the logos, but then again, only a handful of blog followers knew what the actual title should have been.

New York City! This time next week I'll be on the wonderful island of Manhattan. It feels like yesterday I was waking up in Stuy Town, walking three blocks to catch the train and reading countless books throughout the summer while commuting to Columbus Circle where I would walk up 52 stairs, stop by Starbucks for a chai and head into the Hearst Tower for to begin another dream filled day.
Thinking about it, my adrenaline rushes and my heart skips a beat. I know I have mentioned it before, but it might be the quote think about most often -- "You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take." - Wayne Gretzky
I've never played hockey nor been graceful on ice but the concept still applies and my dreams can only be as big as I can dream. Luckily, I have a giant imagination and the determination of a bull.
As the economy slowly creeps up and the idea of getting a job becomes more and more real, I pose the question: Why settle?
Have a great time in New York. You are going to take that city by storm. You have amazing talent, great drive, and a lovely attitude! Please don't forget the little people back in Missouri when you're the art director for a big NY mag. :0)