I'm addicted to my Blackberry, or as known to most as, the crackberry. But seriously I might be able to go to identifont.com and find the font of a unique font, my blackberry cannot do this --
typography.com posted a test they used from a random sign to see if "What the Font" really worked. Check it out, it's pretty close and it's like "identifont" at your fingertips. First the iphone can gchat, now "what the font!" really, maybe i need to upgrade. If I said it was necessary to have a font identification program at amy fingertips I could convince my parents that I cannot go on another day as a designer without this program, or aka, the iphone.
A bit dramatic, but I haven't been overly impressed with many iphone applications that I have seen. Come on, who can beat Brickbreaker on the Blackberry??
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