Do you ever catch yourself trying to figure out what license plates spell out? Does you're license plate have an acronym? My license plate is 404 HRM; my dad dubbed it "her royal majesty."
I've always seemed to pass time on road trips by looking at license plates. I know, really cool. But either looking at the car's state of origin, or finding humor in a Hawaii license plate, "SRFRCHC," surfer chic. Whenever I see a good one I wish I had my camera for documentation. Look at this website for a lot of innovative vanity plates. For my typography assignment I walked around Columbia taking pictures of different license plates, getting a good mix of letters, colors, and states. Besides the funny looks and interest in what I was actually going to do with pictures of license plates, it was a fun way of figuring out more about residents in Columbia and the wide range of information about states merely from a license plate.
Did you know North Dakota was the Peace Garden State? I didn't, but now I do.
I love this idea of license plate art. You aren't the only one that passes time by looking at interesting personal plates. I hate when I can't figure out their meaning. Your typography turned out really cool, it has a nice vintage feel. It seems license plates always feel vintage, even when they're new. nice job!